Till about the year 2000 Project Management was an involved and elaborate exercise.
Digital Transformation is the process of integrating Digital Technologies in every aspect of the NBFC's business from sourcing the lead to closing the contract. It fundamentally involves changing the way oragnisation operates in serving customers. In short it involves the following
Till about the year 2000 Project Management was an involved and elaborate exercise.
The AB Open Banking Platform accelerates the development and deployment of applications and hence accelrates the adop
People have been used to seeing Robots as physical objects with swinging arms welding the body to a vehicle chassis,
In 2010 we just started out, our first product Uniview had tremendous tracti
Microservices is a software architectural style that structures the application as a collection of se
Continuous integration is a software development practice in which developers regularly merge their code changes into
In your daily routine, as a CTO, have you experienced users complaining that bugs which were fixed in the previous re
Setting up a Project Management Office (PMO) is one of the essential activities before we embark on a Digital Transfo
Without a roadmap the Digital Transformation journey gets difficult, takes a longer time and ends up being over budge